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information on Korean stamp
Date of Issue : 1971.05.30
Types : 25
Denomination : 10 won
Design : Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)
Stamp No. : 748
Printing Process
& Colors
: Gravure Four Colors
Size of Stamp : null
: 5×10
Image Area : 33×23
Paper : Unwmkd
Perforation : 13
Printer : Government Printing Agency
Designer : Kang, Choon-Whan
Quantity : 500000
In honor of the competence and meritorious achievements accomplished by the United Nations, the Ministry of Communications is to issue on May 30, 1971, a king-size postage stamp comprising 25 kinds of ordinary-size stamps with each of which depicting the major organizations and special agencies of the world organization and Tae Geuk Ki, the national flag of the Republic of Korea, respectively. During the period of April through June, 1945, delegates from 50 nations gathered in San Francisco and adopted the Charter of the U.N. Indeed, the U.N., which was officially inaugurated on October 24 the same year as the largest international organization in history, has contributed a great deal to the promotion of world peace and welfare of mankind. A total of 127 countries from throughout the world are affiliated with the U.N. as its members. Tae Geuk Ki, the Korean national flag The national flag of the Republic of Korea symbolizes much of the thought, philosophy and mysticism of the Orient. Depicted on the flag is a circle divided equally and locked in perfect balance. The upper(red) section represents the Yang the lower(blue) section the Um, an ancient symbol of the universe originating in China. These two opposites express the dualism of the cosmos: Fire and water, day and night, dark and light, construction and destruction, masculine and feminfine, active and passive, heat and cold, plus and minus, and so on. The central thought in the Tae Geuk indicates that while there is a constant movement within the sphere of infinity, there are also balance and harmony. Three bars at each corner also carry the ideas of opposite and balance. The three unbroken lines stand for heaven; the opposite three broken lines represent the earth. At the lower left hand of the flag are two lines with a broken line in between. This symbolizes fire. The opposite is the symbol of water. It was in 1882, the 12th year of King Kojong of the Yi Dynasty, that Korea began to use Tae Geuk Ki as her national flag. U.N. General Assembly The General Assembly of the United Nations is composed of all the member countries each having a same and equal voting right, and all questions and issues of international concern are discussed here within the framework of the U.N. Charter. Major tasks and duties of the General Assembly include: 1) Making recommendations pertaining to the maintaining of international peace and security, 2) Election of non-permanent member countries of the Security Council, 3) Election of member countries of the Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council, 4) Application for membership in the U.N., 5) Suspension of rights or privileges of any member country, 6) Ouster of any member country from the U.N., 7) Management and operation of the trusteeship system, and 8) Examination of budget bills. Security Council The Council is composed of five permanent members the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the Republic of China and 10 non-permanent member countries. Its major task is to try to solve any political and or military disputes among member nations. Economic and Social Council At present a total of 27 countries are represented on the council as its members elected by the General Assembly. Its major tasks include studying ways and means for promotion of international cooperation in such non-political fields as social, economic, cultural, educational and health problems. It reports on the result of its study to the General Assembly, all member states and specialized agencies. Besides, the Council is in charge of drafting reports or multinational treaties and agreements regarding the preservation of basic human rights and freedom. Trusteeship Council The Council is in charge of management and control of various territories under trusteeship. It supervises administration in those territoris placed under mandatory rule prior to the Second World War, those areas placed under the government of those allied countries which won World War II, and those territories which were voluntarily turned over to the U.N. for trusteeship by the countries having jurisdiction over the said territories. International Court of Justice The Court is composed of 15 judges appointed by the General Assembly at the recommendation of the Security Council. Located in the Hague, the Netherlands, the Court makes suggestions and advices upon request on matters related to the U.N. Charter, various international statutes or regulations and treaties, at the same time contributing to the settlement of disputes among member countries. International Labor Organization (ILO) Founded on April 11, 1919, ILO is dedicated to the realization of social justice through the establishment of basic human rights, thereby contributing to the building of a permanent peace of mankind, at the same time endeavoring to promote and enhance labor condisions of workers. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) FAO, which was established on October 16, 1945, examines world demand and supply of food grains and provides for technical assistance for the purpose of enriching nutrition and uplifting living standards of the peoples of various countries, increasing production of food and other agricultural products, encouraging efficient distribution of food, and effectuating reforms of agricultural communities. World Health Organizations (WHO) WHO was founded on April 7, 1948, with its major duties being the guidance and adjustment of public health projects in various countries, making suggestions on international hygienic and health agreements, standardization of medical and pharmaceutical products, and research and study of world population problems. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Founded on November 4, 1946, UNESCO is dedicated to the protection and preservation of basic rights of mankind regardless of difference in religion, language, sex or race. It also contributes to the promotion of world peace and security by means of encouraging international cooperation in such fields as culture, science and education. International Monetary Fund (IMF) IMF was founded on December 27, 1945. Its tasks and duties include promotion of international cooperation with regard to currency, promotion of trade among countries, stabilization of exchange rates, establishment of multilateral means of settlement for expenditing currency transactions among member countries, and extending cooperation for the elimination of unnecessary or excessive control of foreign exchanges, which impedes the expansion of world trade. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Founded on December 27, 1945, IBRD is dedicated to the rehabilitation of war-shattered economy, transition of economy to a peace-time economic system, extending of assistance to member countries in their endeavors for economic rehabilitation and development by means of helping provide countries in the developing stage with long-term loans. International Development Association (IDA) IDA, which was founded on September 24, 1960, as a subsidiary organization of IBRD, is designed to accelerate economic development in developing countries without imposing heavy burdens on beneficiary nations by means of providing funds on flexible conditions. International Finance Corporation (IFC) Since its founding on July 24, 1956, IFC has been laboriously exerting itself to expand and facilitate economic development in its member countries, especially in underdeveloped areas and regions, through the encouragement and fostering of private industrial enterprises. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Founded on March 23, 1950, WMO is dedicated to the promotion of international cooperation in the field of meteorological observation, establishment of a firm system for the fast exchange of meteorological information, standardization of meteorological observation, and encouragement of meteorological study and study and education throughout the world. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Established on May 17, 1865, ITU is one of the oldest international organizations, which is dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of international cooperation in the fields of broadcasting, telephone services and telecommunications through the realization of prompt exchange of information among world nations. It is also trying with might and main to enable all mankind of the world to receive maximum benefits and convenience through the improvement of equipment and facilities and by raising efficiency in the telecommunications work. International Maritime Consultation Organization (IMCO) IMCO, which was inaugurated on March 17, 1958, performs and carries out its duty of guaranteeing maritime safety, prevention of sea water pollution, standardization of loading units, and elimination of unnecessary restrictions imposed on countries or shipping companies with regard to maritime transportation and industry. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ICAO, which was founded on April 4, 1947, is dedicated to the research and study of various problems confronting international civil aviation, establishment of international requlations and rules for civil aviation, and to the development and expansion of world civil aviation business. Universal Postal Union (UPU) UPU was established on October 9, 1874. Its tasks and duties include the guaranteeing of the freedom of relaying by means of the formation of a unitary postal zone for the mutual exchange of mail, promotion of international cooperation in postal service, and arranging ways and means aimed at accelerating technical assistance and cooperation among world nations. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Inaugurated on July 29, 1957, IAEA endeavors to promote and encourage the peaceful use of atomic energy and to prevent the use of atomic energy for military purposes through providing nuclear nations with necessary assistance. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Founded on January 8, 1965, UNCTAD assists developing countries of the world in their efforts for increased income through expansion of export, increased export of manufactured goods, and in securing funds required for the implementation of development plans. United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) UNCURK was established in Seoul on October 7, 1950, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the 5th General Assembly of the United Nations earlier in the same year. Ever since its founding, UNCURK has been performing a wonderful job in Korea of the eventural establishment for a unified and democratic Korea. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) UNDP was founded on January 1, 1966, as a subordinate organizations of the economic and social Council in accordance with a decision made at the 20th U.N. General Assembly in 1965. It endeavors to help low-income countries enable themselves to make capital investments, and more effectively at that, thereby contributing to the economic development of various countries. United Nations Children`s Fund (UNICEF) UNICEF was established on December 11, 1946, in accordance with a resolution of the 1st U.N. General Assembly, for the purpose of helping improve and uplift status and environment of the children and youngsters in underdeveloped countries in such fields as public health, nutrition, social welfare, education and vocational training. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) UNIDO, which was founded on January 1, 1967, deals with a wide range of problems, for the purpose of accelerating economic development in developing countries, such as the establishment of policies aimed at industrial development, planning, technical assistance and cooperation, financing support and assistance, promotion of medium and small enterprises and trade, and effective mobilization and utilization of manpower.