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100th Anniversary of Won-Buddhism
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information on Korean stamp
Date of Issue : 2016.04.28
Types : 1
Denomination : 300 won
Design :
Stamp No. : 3121
Printing Process
& Colors
: Offset, Four colors + Gold hot foiling + Embossing
Size of Stamp : 40mm × 30mm
: 5 × 4
Image Area : 37mm × 27mm
Paper : White Un watermarked
Perforation : 13 × 13 ¼
Printer : Cartor for POSA
Designer : Park,Eun-kyung
Quantity : 800,000 stamps
Won-Buddhism is celebrating its centennial anniversary this year. Won-Buddhism was established by Founding Master Sotaesan Park Chung-bin when he attained supreme enlightenment on April 28, 1916 amid the chaos of World War I and Japanese colonial rule. After his enlightenment, he foresaw that materialism would assume an increasing grip on the world and weaken people`s minds and spirits. He founded Won-Buddhism to create a world where material and spirit would be in equilibrium. His founding motto was, With the great opening of matters, let there be a great opening of spirit. Under the banner of religion in daily life and the religion of practice, Won-Buddhism has significantly contributed to the modernization of Korea through movements to abolish needless formalities, do away with superstitions, and eradicate illiteracy. It also strived to make the Korean people of sound mind by encouraging their national spirit. Won-Buddhism runs several educational institutions including Wonkwang University and many social welfare organizations. Also it is now active around the world in more than 20 countries. To reflect on its history over the last century and prepare for a new future, Won-Buddhism is hosting various events including the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Won-Buddhism and the International Conference for the Centenary of Won-Buddhism from April 25 to May 1 under the theme of Evaluating 100 years since founding, communicating and sharing hopes with the world, and declaring a vision for a new future.” The commemorative stamp features Il-Won (One Circle), which is the symbol of Won-Buddhism and the symbol of ultimate truth, and the founding motto, along with an image of the Sacred Pagoda of the Founding Master Sotaesan located at the Won-Buddhism Holy Ground in Iksan, Korea. The founding motto, also shown in English, is printed in the form of microtext. The stamp commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Won-Buddhism was designed particularly to render higher collectible value with the application of gold foil and embossing printing on the image of Il-Won.