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information on Korean stamp
Date of Issue : 2024.06.21
Types : 4
Denomination : 430 won
Design :
Stamp No. : 3760
Printing Process
& Colors
: null
Size of Stamp : 35 x 35
: 4 × 4
Image Area : 35 x 35
Paper : null
Perforation : 13¾ × 13¾
Printer : POSA
Designer : Park,Eun-kyung
Quantity : null
Korea Post issues commemorative stamps annually to raise awareness about protected marine species designated under the Conservation and Management of Marine Ecosystems Act. This year, Korea Post has selected four whale species that require special attention. The Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is a medium-sized mysticeti that measures 11 to 16 meters long and weighs approximately 35 tons. Its gray body is often encrusted with barnacles, giving it a rocky appearance. It earned the nickname `ghost whale` in Korea because it mysteriously vanishes when whaling ships pursue it. Gray whales have been present in Korean waters since ancient times, as evidenced by their depiction on the Petroglyphs of Bangudae Terrace in Ulsan, a Neolithic relic. Despite their close connection with Korea, with the western population of the North Pacific being referred to as the Korean stock, gray whales have not been spotted in Korea since 1977. Efforts to rediscover them are ongoing. The Pacific White-sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) has a black-gray back, a white belly, a short and thick beak, and a sickle-shaped dorsal fin. They typically travel in pods ranging from hundreds to thousands and form smaller groups when nurturing their calves. They grow to about 1.7 to 2.3 meters in length and weigh up to 150 to 180 kilograms. Pacific White-sided Dolphins are mainly found in the East Sea during colder seasons. Due to frequent incidental catches in fishing operations, they were newly designated as a protected marine species in 2023. The Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis), distinguished by its black body with a bluish tint, yellow hourglass pattern, and long beak, was also newly designated as a protected species in 2023 alongside the Pacific White-sided Dolphin. They are agile swimmers capable of reaching speeds up to 60 km/h and measuring between 1.7 and 2.3 meters in length. Common dolphins travel in pods of at least hundreds to thousands, employing cooperative hunting strategies to catch small schooling fish and squid. They are present year-round in the East Sea and can also be found near the South Sea and Jeju Island. Despite its name being similar to that of the killer whale, the False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) does not closely resemble it in appearance. However, it is one of the larger members of the delphinoidea, reaching 5 to 6 meters in length and up to 2 tons in weight. False Killer Whales have slender bodies, rounded heads, and lack beaks, with black-gray coloring. They are found in all sea areas but are more commonly distributed in deep waters in tropical and warm regions, preying on fish and squid. Though many are caught in Japan, they are occasionally spotted in the East and South Seas of Korea. The seventh series of protected marine species stamps vividly captured the rare and dynamic movements of the above whales. By appreciating these commemorative stamps, we hope to foster greater interest in marine organisms that need our continued protection and care and inspire reflections on our marine environment.